Salted maple bowl


Roughed out a new free form bowl today. Really like the colors.
Finished today 7318

Mark Michaels

That’s one cool Bowl,nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very cool!

Losing fingers since 1969


Nice work, I have a KA tools sander and the Merlin was of interest to me so I went looking for one in view of buying it, however here in Australia its a very expensive peice of kit.

Way beyond my self funded super fund funds, so sadly I will not be able to make a challange, looks great and I would dearly love to but not going to happen.

Its a bid hard to see in the pictures but how thick is the salted Maple?

Regards Rob

The title was supposed to be spalted maple. The auto correct got me again. The block is 2 inches thick. 7×14 inches overall.
Good luck with your wood working!

Mark Michaels

That is gorgeous. Always wanted to try to make one , don’t if I have the tools or the patience to hollow it out .
