36" x 42" in. grill


I was always fabricating items and tools for the field guys at work in order to make their jobs easier and one of my coworkers begged me for months to make him a grill. Never really got around to it but after picking up some bucket attatchments for some skidsteers, i noticed the encaged housings they came in were perfect for a grill. So i got to chopping up, cut off around 8 in out of the center and mated both sides up back together and welded it. Got some angle iron and made some railings for the coal rack to slide in and out to make cleaning it a breeze. Got 5/8th bolts, about 4in long i believe and welded them at a angle to serve as handles for the coal rack. After that just got some expanded stainless steel sheel metal sheet and cut to size for the top. Some heat shrink on the bolt ends and some paint and youre all done. Quit that job a little bit after, just a lot of drama and i felt i never got the recognition i deserved nor did some of my other xo workers. Coworker unveileved it at his birthday party and invited me to it. Everybody loved the grill. Its great when youre coworker says he likes the grill, but whenever you got 10 to 15 people youve never met telling you that you did a great job, thats where its what.

Your grill looks great! Happy BBQ’ing!


Thank you! Happy BBQ’ing as well!

I can smell the BBQ smell ,nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker