Spirit Bat Pendant


I have always loved bats. They somehow manage to strike a unique balance that perfectly unifies adorable with a healthy dose of “what the heck is that?”.

I made this little fella out of walnut, osage orange, malachite, turquoise, copper, and time; with a few dashes of faith, trust, and pixie dust thrown in for good measure.

Mixed media is challenging, but I’m starting to develop my feel for combining different textures and colors into something harmonious. Overall, my favorite aspects of this piece are the stone inlays.

Every inlay attempt stresses me out to no end. So much can go wrong that might leave a piece in utter ruin. I can cut the channels incorrectly, miss-pour the glue, and even just sand too much. This one worked out though, and it’s got me all thused up.

Very cool! Very well done!


unique looks great, job well done.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

That is some superior work , thanks for sharing


Beautiful art piece!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Well gota say, that is a different, interesting piece.  Very well done.

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