Ok, Barb.  It is hard for me to advise further - without being there to see exactly whats going on.

However, to remove glue/paste, the best way to do that is to soak the area with whatever solution you are using (there are commercial products also, fabric softener will also work)  With a very big brush, or even a soft bristled dust broom(without the handle), is a good way to wet the wall, like you were slopping on watery paint.  Start from the bottom and work up, in arcing sweeps.  Put drop cloths down to soak up the water.  You will use alot of water.  Let that sit for awhile, 5-10minutes (maybe), then soak the area again.  Use warm water.  Now, with a big wet sponge (like those used for cleaning up tile grout) start wiping down the wall, rinse the sponge often, (wiping, not scrubbing).  If things start to dry out, slop on more water. And where you can see chunky glue areas use a 6" taping knife, or a putty knife to gently remove it; if the glue isnt soft - more water there.  Work in small sections until satisfied, then move on.  Have a bucket of water there to rinse the taping knife and sponge.  You can run the taping knife over the entire area, but The Sponge is your primary tool.  This process will take some time, and elbow grease.  If you get areas where the integrity of the sheetrock is comprimised, leave those areas be, and come back when they are dry and sand those spots.
Once you get the wall clean, make sure everything is totally dry before the next steps.  A fan will help to speed that up, or a dehumidifier.

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