Heck Pottzie. I was thinking I was gonna try a corn cobb once Corn starts being good enough to buy a few dozen ears.

I'm laughing about the hand jabs, but at the same time am sending all of you guys a heads up about wounds. Remember I am the guy who just had a toe whacked off after my wound wouldn't heal on my foot, so I think I'm steering clear of extra holes in my person. I know, I know, I'm a Nancy girl. :-) 

Getting by without a little toe really isn't a problem. Losing a finger might throw off your darts game though. 

Eric I used to see those metal handles all the time at auctions. Hardly used a file, or rasp, and had never heard of a float then. Now I have one or the other in my hand most every day while in the shop. I wish I had hoarded them up. I could be a Schwarz type and start a rush on them on FleaBay. 

Write a blurb about them, wait a week or two, then dump all I have on the Bay after the ones already there got bought up, and watch the war begin.