
How long do those planes last on that Veritas sale? A few hours?

From sales past you are placed in a Queue. To get there you need to be on the line somewhere around 11:59, sooner and they have a recording saying so. If you aren't in the line ready to wait at 11:59 then unless you want one of something they have several of, and NO ONE on this Earth wants, you probably won't do much good. Stuff not so popular might last a few hours. IIRC that changed on the last sale, EVERYTHING was gone inside of 25 minutes. 

The biggest tip I can give you is if you really want something on that list, then be in queue, and LONG BEFORE you get there search out each piece, and know YES or NO if you want it. It comes down to who gets an item to checkout soonest, once checked out, IE purchased, it is GONE. The speedsters put everything in their basket in the first 10 seconds, and go directly to check out. "SHOPPING around", and you will be empty handed.