Thanks for you contributions guys.

I really do wish I could work neater and clean up after each work day. One big problem I have is that my shop is so small that clean up is really stressful to me. I have to move all of my machines as I progress. The job takes a lot of time and effort which I tend to shy away from. Keeping my tools orderly are not really a problem for me as I keep them pretty well organized and stored. I do always clean up before starting a new project, but the mess can be left a few days before that happens.

Like you guys I do not place a lot of weight on shop aesthetics. Reasonably good tool and wood storage and proper machine placement with adequate benches and counter tops is a lot more important to me. I do like an orderly appearance, but have no need for anything fancy.

However, I can understand some folks desire and/or need to have an attractive shop, as I know that a clean, beautiful, well lighted work space can be more inspiring for many folks. When my own shop is all cleaned up I feel much more encouraged to get out there and do something.

Otherwise it does sound like we all work in a somewhat similar manner when it comes to the work process. I hope we get some comments from someone who has a totally different approach from the ‘norm’.

Mike, an American living in Norway