a1jim, I don’t know where you got that MSDS, but it is not for WD40! Here is the link to WD-40 Company’s MSDS/SDS: http://wd40company.com/files/pdf/sds/mup/wd-40-multi-use-product-aerosol-sds-us-ghs-7-20-14.pdf (note that only the non-aerosol containers can be sold in California, where it is made).
The product you have the MSDS for is a pure(?) silicone liquid (Polydimethylsiloxane, Trimethylsiloxy-Terminated (C2H6OSi)n CAS: 63148-62-9 or 9006-65-9) manufactured and sold by ScienceLab.com. It is available only in 1Kg containers for a price of about $252.
WD-40 Multi-Use Product, on the other hand, is a NON-silicone, predominately petroleum product. It is packaged and sold in “pen” sized containers up to (at least) 55 gallon drums. I used the 55G drums in a custom harvesting (farming) business.
In the 1960s, I had a friend who was a nearby neighbor of Norm Larsen, the founder of WD-40 Co’s predecessor, Rocket Chemical Corp. (in his garage). We would complain of his shop smelling of fish, and he would smile and tell us that it was the odor of some of the ingredients – he would never say what all was in the formula.
I measured it twice, cut it twice, and it is still too short!