I spoke too soon! These tops are going to kick my butt! So i thought it was going good but no. I keep getting streaks, bubbles, spots, so much crap showing. The bench was ok looking, but had a milky tone to it. I sanded it a lot and re-applied the poly, and still not good. i said screw this and took my hand planer to it, stripped it back to bare wood.

I think i am going to try this rub on poly, like Brian said. One of the stores has a minwax wipe on gloss poly. Any tips for applying?

Bruce i tried a beeswax/carnauba wax that i found at my local store, but did not improve the sanding marks.

Also before i take the planer to the table also, one of you said to use 220, one said 400, i used 400 thinking finer is better, is that always the case? I kept seeing scratches as if they were deep.

Love the building part, the finish is what kills me!