Don—-Now that’s funny! Unfortunately, I’m more of an act first and get out the band-aids later kind of guy. I don’t try to be, it just comes out that way. I am getting better though. I never let my hands get anywhere near bits or blades. I don’t wear any loose fitting clothing and I don’t have enough hair to knit a hummingbird a vest. I also wear my eye protection at all times. The more I use the equipment in the shop, the better feel I get for what it’s capable of.

Sheila, that drill press story reminds of a terrible accident I remember from 7th grade shop class many years ago. Our school had a woodshop class, and although we were not allowed to use the table saw, we were allowed to use the drill press. The chuck key was always attached to the press with a length of small chain so it wouldn’t disappear. Well, one day a girl was tightening up a bit and an idiot boy reached over her shoulder and hit the start button (just messing with her, was his excuse). Well, the chain wrapped around the ring finger on her right hand and tore it completely off. I was in a different class at the time, but when it came time for shop, there was a teacher at the door that told us there would be no shop for awhile. She didn’t tell us what happened, but the other kids that were in the shop at the time were more than happy to share the details. I do remember that the doctors were unable to reattach her finger. When shop class reopened we were still allowed to use the drill press, but the teacher had to chuck the bits for us, and the key was kept in his pocket.

Where are the band-aids?---Pro Libertate!