Well evidently Mamma Eagle at Big Bear had some issues and she is still sitting on unhatched eggs, past the date she was expected to hatch them out. Frozen? Infertile? Nobody knows, just saying unlikely there will be Eaglet's.

Meanwhile back at Decorah North they only had 2 eggs, but now have 2 little fuzz bombs. If you scroll the page down, there are pics and short vids of them. Hungry little grubbers eat like crazy, and POOP every which way. In just a few weeks they will appear larger than Mom and Dad, the new feathers are all poofy, and air filled, so they have much higher loft then Mom and Dads flatter more mature feathers. Anyhow their growth spurt is amazing. Check in once in a while, and be amazed. Soon enough they fly off, and are done with the nest.

the other Decorah site, either listed a fish hatchery, or just Decorah doesn't have a nesting pair of Eagles this year. Instead they have Canada Geese nesting in a tree, talk about different.