Rich, thanks.

On spreading I am a one side only, and do a sort of rub joint action which actually puts it on both, but a lot of peeps would watch me put on glue, and wonder if I was a cheeeepazz. I am frugal with the glue, yes maybe I am. But I really dislike glue cleanup, and I think Norm must have about sanded the grain off all his stuff, cause wiping with a wet rag always got me into huge problems when I finished, especially if stain or dye was part of it. My $0.02 on wet rag wiping glue is it just smears the really stick crap into any grain on the wood, and when it dries it blocks finish from penetrating at all, so you get those glue skid marks all over the place, Nasty diapers those are.

If he comes here as someone else I have to apologize upfront. That James King guy from You Tube. Kings fine woodworking. I almost used to gag when he was putting on glue. Both sides are double the amount I use easily on any one side, cause I'd spread it to the other. Glue would just gush out when he put 2 boards together. I'm pretty sure he had a lot of Franklin stock. :-)

I can say I haven't ever had issue with glue ups coming apart. I have had a tacked on part or two pop off, but rather than a huge blob sitting there I take a chance, but like a tabletop glue up, panels, no problemo. But I understand a lot of that is stock prep before the glue comes out. That approximation thing again.