Nathan I agree with you on the TB and shelf life. I see now they are suggesting not to use their product after 6 months.

It's in here somewhere. BTW this was the ONLY Franklin product information page that didn't set off a bunch of red screens, flashing, beeping, you'd have thought I was robbing Fort Knox.

Hopefully that one doesn't mess with anyone's computer.

I remember now I think I posted a pic of my jugs turned over to keep air out.

I know for a fact I had some Elmers that was at least 2 or 3 years old, and it was fine. Doing so much less woodworking these days I should either just go all hide, or buy PVA in smaller containers. Hell I used to use at least a gallon a week, more on most.

I'm with you on not going for a lot of the "specialty" glue. Prefit everything before glue up is usually enough, but plan the exercise out, and know if you are biting off more than you can chew, and do it in a few stages if you are. So quick, long, maybe later, I don't need those. I just want glue, sometimes one for outdoor use, but glue.

My jug type glue storage is a 2 x 12 about 18" long, and I drill 2, sometimes 3 holes  1 1/2" or so, and just put the tops into the holes. Keeps the air from getting under those leaky caps. Because they are leaky ya really need to torque them down, or you could puddle up. I've not had a leakage issue. Seems to keep the glue looking a lot like it did when I first opened it, no snot stringers and such. My Elmers lasts forever like this, after a while even upside down the Titebond gets thick. Maybe 18 months or so.