I've ran under a few monikers over the -last few years, because the site programing, or moderator(s) wouldn't let me in.  The latest, which I didn't care for, was KelVanCra or something like that. In the past, I used one I'd used since before the Matrix, Dejure.

I couldn't get in using Brave or Foxfire, so I don't suspect the browser.  

Smith contacted me to inform me I had two accounts.  I wasn't aware. LJ isn't important enough to be a primary focus, so I got back in however I could, so it may be I did create two. Apparently, that's full on evil.  

The pisser is, I have a lot of projects and posts over a whole lot of years, and too many are no longer tied to me. I guess that's a good reason to insert a unique tag on all posts.