Posted as a semi wondered kind of post maybe, but it's been a fun and laugh fest for me, whichever you were aiming at Kelly you struck gold. 

I had read something a few years ago, that kinda posed the same question. evidently there is a growing number of peeps that do get all of their cookware out of the dishwasher every day, rather than putting it into cabinets, and then taking it out to use (the old fogey way) I had never considered doing that, I could see my dead Mother rolling in her casket like a rotisserie. :-)

Since, I have run into it a few other times though, and it's always about younger people doing this. I am too old to change, but some claim a lot of benefits, and versus if you needed to buy cabinets, and pay to have them installed, which I guess on average is becoming like 28,000 to 40,000 bux, crap you could buy a bunch of cheap dishwashers for a lot less money.