Would Five Dishwashers be Enough?

Just occurred to me, now that I'm down to flooring and such, maybe I should remodel the remodel. It dawns on me, if I added dishwashers instead of cabinets and such, I could just label one "SILVERWARE," one "GLASSES," one "PLATES" and so on, then I wouldn't have to unload the dishwasher and I could keep up with even the most savvy expert at storing the kitchen in the dishwasher.

How many do ya think I'll need? 

20 Replies


Thanks, that was funny. 

I do know a few peeps who could tell you exactly, we use the cabinets, so can't help, but the concept as you put it forward caught my funnybone, and made me LOL.
i do know big familes sometimes have two ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Our dogs are the dishwashers, but I think your (fantastic) idea would require pairs, One in for "processing" and one out for use.
Sure save a lot of time!
Wife hates emptying the dishwasher, mainly hates the silverware basket. We have an agreement that I'll do the bottom rack with the silverware (which I don't mind) and she will do the top rack with all her coffee mugs.
I rarely wash my coffee mug, maybe a few times per year (Always black, never any silly additives so no bugs would dare take it over).
My work cup went 25 years without a wash (dropped it so had to start new). Always proud of that.
One of our lifer scientists at 40+ years was asked when he would wash his mug. Always a man of few words, "When the volume is significantly reduced"
 "When the volume is significantly reduced"

Still laughing as I type.
SNORT   Obviously that scientist was a thinking scientist and not a Bill Gates of Hell type.
Posted as a semi wondered kind of post maybe, but it's been a fun and laugh fest for me, whichever you were aiming at Kelly you struck gold. 

I had read something a few years ago, that kinda posed the same question. evidently there is a growing number of peeps that do get all of their cookware out of the dishwasher every day, rather than putting it into cabinets, and then taking it out to use (the old fogey way) I had never considered doing that, I could see my dead Mother rolling in her casket like a rotisserie. :-)

Since, I have run into it a few other times though, and it's always about younger people doing this. I am too old to change, but some claim a lot of benefits, and versus if you needed to buy cabinets, and pay to have them installed, which I guess on average is becoming like 28,000 to 40,000 bux, crap you could buy a bunch of cheap dishwashers for a lot less money.
I think I’d prefer two small drawer style washers to the standard one we’ve got. They use less water and you just run them after each meal or two. Seems like we jam ours full before we run it. I do use the ‘top drawer only’ function from time to time since it’s mostly coffee mugs and plastic left-over containers that end up in there. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I would get 7 and label them Sunday, Monday, Tuesday....  That way you empty one to eat, load it and run it.  Organizing by type means that you have to wait until you've used very dish and utensil  you own and run them all at once.  You'll need an extra sink to stack dirty dishes in until they're empty.    

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Whoooowa!  Now we're getting somewhere.
And here, I thought this was going to be a post about polygamy. 
Well at Nathans house it kinda is... I think he likes Thursday best though, but shhhhh the others will be jealous. :-)
And here, I thought this was going to be a post about polygamy.

How many kids do you have? That will determine how many you need. I say 1 1/2 dishwashers per kid per day
*Sexist trigger warning ahead*
In our house when I was growing up ('50s and '60s), only teh wimmens were allowed to wash dishes. Boys were doing all the outside things...and the girls were not allowed. Crazy, huh? 8 kids, 4 boys and 4 girls. Mom made our beds; we boys were not allowed to. I had some adjustments to make, when I joined the Navy! 😵‍💫

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

There used to be "roles" now they are being deemed inappropriate. I can appreciate Women being equal, and have no issue with "Lib" but if you were around when their were different "roles" it sure is hard sometimes to understand who does what anymore.

But then I worked as an RN for almost 45 years, all the while being a building contractor on my "days off" Yes I was frequently confused, and those "roles" sure got moved around a bunch when working with all Women one day, and all Men the next.
Isn't it interesting those THEYs haven't been able to, or grow interested in, showing up in equal numbers in roles like , working oil rigs, the draft, building sky scrapers, . . . .?
You would be surprised as to how many women are High rise jobs now. They're in all trades not just walking around with a broom and shovel
Having worked for a living, run a business and actually hired women, no, I wouldn't. However, it was the rare women who could do what a guy could when it came to the tuff stuff. They are the exception and not the rule.

Women shine in their ways too. Now that big rigs have power steering, hydraulic seats and so on, they are nice to have as drivers. The tend to not beat the equipment as hard.  When I worked electronics, I notice they were less likely to go over the deep end and kill their bosses, when they got stuck on monotonous jobs.
Funny guy I worked with got a 2nd dishwasher because it was cheaper than the cabinets they had custom built.
