Miscellaneous Strip note holder

Hang up your problems.

Boys and Girls,
Was going to post this under my hints and tips blog, but thought a means of finding them under a review may be more beneficial… apologies if I’ve already posted it… old age and bad eyesight combined with a hate of reading limited hindered the search engine.
Do you have scraps of paper/plans/diagrams cluttering your workbench soaking up glue, grease and sawdust only to compel you redraw, print or buy that magazine again?
If you cannot relate, pour yourself a glass of your favourite celebratory drink, pour the glass down the sink and neck the bottle as one of those rare and fastidious woodworker… and you’ll probably finish up too pissed to read what follows.
If you are disorganised like I used to be, 
Google “strip note holder” and you’ll probably get a hit similar to this,
Before you freak out at the price, surf around as I have seen the 914.4mm as low as $19 (circa 2024)… 
I bought a swag of them about 10 years ago and I know they weren’t too expensive… though I now regret giving a few away… still I have a few hanging around in the workshop,
 laser and 3D printer room,
I usually scan and laminate pages that I use in the workshop and store them in a loose leaf folder(s),
and when needed, take the appropriate page out and hang it on the strip.
When finished it either gets returned to the book for later use, while any one off gets binned.
While on about hanging paper, another option is use of magnets on a magnetic whiteboard,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Not a bad idea duck.

Looks like a restaurant order holder for the chef.

I think I will get one.

Thanks for the idea


I like it 👍

I have no organization for paper printouts of plans, they usually get trashed during a build, tossed after the build, or put into a stack of papers never to be seen again.
Good Idea Duckster...
