TSO GRE-13 Guide Rail Extension

Boys and Girls,

A quick prelude to the 4 ranking... which is based on an overall perspective negated by,
  • What may seem like expensive... but it does portray Fe$tool.
  • Limited requirement.
For me it was a 5.1 until an unexpected revelation after the fact.

I while back in some thread, I made mention of this TSO’s Fe$tool track extension 
I didn’t get a mixed reaction… it was 100% negative on one side and me with my pants down on the other... and nothing to do with lights and lifts at Christmas..
While that was just a throw away comment, with little background backing, I thought I’d post a review and give a tad more detail.
If you happen to own guide rails 1400mm and/or longer, this may be of little use to you, however, if you happen to have been outrigged with a 1080mm shortie, you may find that track may be a tad too short for those 1219.2mm (that’s  4 feet… much like those nags I can lead to water even if they’re not thirsty) cuts, and the longer 2000/2400mm may be just a tad too long and cumbersome.
Now in the comments, in probable all fairness, I got canned for paying $99 (US) for a pissant track, however it is a tad cheaper than a $180 (US) for a full 1400mm job… and there are two track extensions ($48) in the TSO bundle… unfortunately it’s tough if you already have a set of connectors and don’t need two sets.
But before you realise you are an idiot, much like I did, have a quick look at your stockpile before you unload any of your precious shekels.
I always had my 1080mm on top and haven’t used the long one for quite a while 

I totally forgot I had a 1400mm squirrelled underneath.
I always considered my guide rails as short and long… not considering the actual lengths (physical measurements).
Now if you happen to have a 1080mm and want to cut just a tad wider/longer, the decision is up to you to upgrade or extend.
This extension gives that added length to balance the saw at the start of the 1219.2mm cut 
(pictures taken for show and this setup would not be practical in real life).

Then again you could buy one of those other cheaper brands and cannibalise it.


If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

It makes sense if you have the stubby rail, though surely the best configuration is 2 x 1400mm rails so you can do whatever you want with 4 x 8 sheet. Does the rubber edge strip ever wear on the Festool? I have the Dewalt and it doesn't take long to lose half a mil off it.
This extension is only handy if you have a 1080 and not a 1400 (or don't want to use the longer one)... If I had realised that I had the 1400 hidden I would not have bought the shortie.

The only consolation for me is that my combinations of lengths have somewhat increased.

When you refer to the rubber edge strip, do you mean the "equivalent" of the Fe$tool clear plastic edge strip? The Fe$tool has not worn, however, I have used the same blade and do not flex/strees the saw when in use...
 Though a bevel cut should not affect it (the Fe$tool rail, at least according to Fe$tool) can't say for other brands.

Unfortunately I'm not a tracksaw aficionado... just a hack user that owns Fe$tool.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD