Ryobi Cordless Secateurs – R18XSEC20

Boy and Girls,
Before you discriminate, ready to dismiss bloody Ryobi and POQ, if nothing more, fast track near the end of this blog to “X” marks the spot and click on the link just under/near it… or at least watch this video at the marked 2:04 for 4 seconds.

then be prepared to dismiss “cordless secateurs”.
I believe some may take a tad more pride in their garden than I do of my “jungle”.
However, rather than read about the weather and the latest “The Donald” debacle, let me delve into something that is not necessarily close to my heart, but does a lot to make my life easier.
While there are myriads of pruners, I was gruntled with my ratchet pruners,
however, I used to use my "little pocket knife" to trim up the overhanging branches of my jungle
Had some trouble with the weed wooding over so I had to upgrade,
FYI, the above pictures are thrown in to prove my acknowledgement of the need for garden maintenance, however, the state of those instruments attest to my eagerness and participation of that despicable activity.
As my gardening neglect grew, so did the weeds and I desperately had to seek out some more non-manual measures and eventually I finished up with this big 18V daddy (RLP1813),
that makes bolt cutters for wreaking havoc on snitches, redundant.
It was big and cumbersome, but still manageable and I was gruntled.
Now, well actually not now, but back in 2022, having a stockpile of Ryobi batteries,
I dropped my guard and probably under the influence of something either legal or banned, ventured through the gardening (UGH!) department of Bunnings…  and when  I saw (not the tool, saw) I didn’t baulk at placing a bet on their offering of this cordless secateurs (R18SEC),
again, as said before… I was gruntled with anything that can shorten the time I have to spend outside in my “plot”… other than rain of course, which while it will keep me inside, it makes everything outside grow… except my midriff, while lazing around inside.
Nevertheless, Utopia was invented by the govermin that no sane person voted for and I found that when I was clipping offcuts to put into my compost bin, the working cycle of the secateurs was far too slow and I abandoned Otto 
and reverted to Manwell,
Well Mr. Ryobi must have read my mind as they released an upgrade to those secateurs (R18XSEC20)
with a <1 second working cycle. The quicker/better one can be identified by the dark handgrip,
A quick dirty (no, not XXX) video of comparative speeds,

Hey, keep an eye, and I don’t mean the 
on the hand screw… 
another, another blog in the making… I don’t stutter, I just duplicate 2bsure, 2bsure.
The only issues I have with the new one is to ensure I move my fingers before they are mistaken for branches and come to a bloody end.
“X” marks the spot… 
Now don’t get me wrong, I have just Googled [“cordless secateurs”]
and got more hits than Don Bradman in a test match (or for you Philistine Yankees, Babe Ruth in his heyday). Other brands tend to offer the same (and maybe/probably better), but it’s hard to comment on what I have not experienced… like an intimate date with Kylie Minogue’s hot pants… c’mon guys (and some galls) don’t we dream,
I am not trying to sublimate you into buying Ryobi, but if you don’t have and need, check out what’s being offered as I can guarantee you will be grateful if you buy any good brand other than the bargain basement offerings.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

If the shoe fits!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

well my duckling i think you might of just impressed me ! that would be quite good for old hands with arthritis, or hands period ! sure beats another puzzle 😏

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Duckie I have the older, slower one.  That has always been my complaint, that it takes to long!  I don't use it much.  
I have the ryobi version of the small chain saw, it is great.  no oil, it just does its job.  I also have the longer lopers like urs, and the 14" 40v chain saw.  Like you I'm pretty well fixed for trimming!


Like you Mokey, I liked the old but was reticent in using it because of the speed... Much as I hate gardening, when I cruise the jungle, the new one is always in hand to clear the path... much like the machete by jungle travelers.
It's the concept I'm spruiking rather than the brand... you don't have to be old to relish in the convenience, however it helps (to be old) to have fit enough fingers/hand at the end of a gardening session to hold a glass of vino.

The beauty of these is that I'm sure there is one to suit the type of batteries people have... what I'm trying to emphasise is to read (UGH) and consider the operational cycle before you make a purchase.

Pottzy, you may need to read this a few more times as there are heaps more puzzles to follow.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

cant wait ducks 😏

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 commented 2 minutes ago
cant wait ducks 😏

Now that my emails work again, I can PM you well in advance... In fact I can use a bot to repeatedly send each one at 1 minute (that's minute in time rather than mi_nute size reference) intervals just so you wont get bored.

Here's a teaser reserved just for you,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

well you know how much id appreciate that, dont you 🙄😣😣😣

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I'll upgrade my internet speed just for a quicker delivery.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD