Hi from Western Mass

Glad to have found this site and I hope to post from time to time. I have a day job and a handful of other hobbies that keep me from making too much sawdust so the past few years I've gravitated to box making and carving. It keeps the cost and the scale of things reasonable and keeps me active with woodworking.
I was a long time member of another site and took a break last year...came back and didn't care for the new format...so here's to new beginnings!

Welcome Tom! You’ll find quite a few folks from the other site have migrated here. 
Welcome aboard!

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

Looking forward to see your projects!
Welcome Tom. You will find a lot of box makers here. You can teach us all how to carve. :-)
Hi George, I feel I know so little compared some of the great carvers out there. I just keep the gouges sharp, the bandaids close by and hope for the best!

Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Glad you are here.  Enjoy the conradery and jump right in......


Welcome Tom,

I have some Friends from West Hadley (spelling?)  snow birds to s/w fla.


Hey, that just happened to me as well. :)