I can't seem to find a "For Sale" section.   Doesn't anybody sell any tools, lumber or anything   ? ?

35 Replies

Trade and Swap are is as good as any.  I think that Martin may be working on a classfied section but until then just post them here.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Thanks Nathan  -  I don't have anything for sale but I'm sure there's a lot of guys with 'stuff' they no longer need.
I've got 1100-1200bdft of cherry off the mill 1.5 years ago that I won't need any time soon.  If I could get $4/bdft for it, it wouldn't even have to come off the trailer.
While sorting and putting away tools and 'things' now that I have ample drawer space I found a set of NEW Delta planer blades.
Cat. No. 22-547  12" planer blades
If anybody here can use them, you can have them for shipping cost.

Every time I see this thread, I think this looks pretty official. My vote is save our host some work, and just adopt it as our Sell, Swap, Trade, place. I think if we just keep it real, and show pics, and a good description, but mostly act like responsible adults it should keep our hosts feet out of any hot water. IOW you honor your word, and if you don't we hunt ya down and feed you to Tonys pooch squad. :-)

ive got a shaper thats hardly been used with about 1500 bucks worth of bits never used id like to sell but it would have to be a pickup so ill probably just post it on craigs list or facebook. i dont think there are many within driving distance of me here.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

You could always take whatever pics you will for the CL ad, and start it here. No takers move it over there. Probably wouldn't take that much extra time, and you could essentially save the template you use here, to make the listing there if need be.

The up side is you might meet someone from here you wouldn't have otherwise. Know where the machine is going, and keep it in the fambly so to speak.
I am looking at the MANY MANY items I want to start selling off, and if/when I can get back there, and walk around without fear of passing out I am going to get started seeing if I can sell a few items off.

Well actually since I have been here I have already sold a few items. 
yeah thats a good idea george. i mean i cant just look the membership but there are thousands that just come and look, so who knows. i cleaned  the machine up a few weeks ago, just need to take some pic's and catalog all the bits. it was my dads and ive never used it or have any thoughts of ever using it. maybe post on lumber jocks too, lot more traffic there.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

maybe post on lumber jocks too, lot more traffic there.
Good idea, but after the first 2 replies, It will devolve into router bit discussions and Bandit posting a series of photos of his router table with the crooked 2x4 fence.
oh yeah most likely. and he'll post his latest POS ! as much dovetail work as he does youd think by now he'd be good at it ? 🤣

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Look back at all of his previous projects and you can see, if you squint, that, well, nope. Not any better.
they wont look better even if you have cataracts !🤣🤣🤣 he's just a hack woodworker that has never tried to refine what he does ! no pride i guess. no wait he has lots of pride or he wouldn't post em on every fricken thread he goes on ! i told him once if you dont stop posting your projects on my threads ill block you. he did and i did ! 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I've got a crap load of cherry, walnut, cedar and maple I should probably sell.  I'm thinking shipping could be tricky unless it was cut to fit in a flat rate box.  I really wish th3 USPS still offered the puzzle size flat rate boxes, they were perfect for shipping wood or cutting boards.
damn yeti i wish you were close because id sure help you get rid of some real fast ! 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I agree, wishing Yeti was closer, I am a wood addict, and collect a lot more than I use. I have some defective gene that makes me buy wood when I see it for sale. 

If ya ever smoked and quit, you also find all of a sudden, you have a lot of extra cash. Not sure how that works, but it's a thing. 
Yeti, what is the thickness of the lumber that you have? I would be interested in some of it.

replied about 8 hours ago
I've got a crap load of cherry, walnut, cedar and maple I should probably sell.  I'm thinking shipping could be tricky unless it was cut to fit in a flat rate box.  I really wish th3 USPS still offered the puzzle size flat rate boxes, they were perfect for shipping wood or cutting boards. 

Main Street to the Mountains

I've got a crap load of cherry, walnut, cedar and maple I should probably sell.  I'm thinking shipping could be tricky unless it was cut to fit in a flat rate box.  I really wish th3 USPS still offered the puzzle size flat rate boxes, they were perfect for shipping wood or cutting boards.
back story - For quite a few years we (wife & I) rode motorcycle and one of the hecks angels groups we rode with had a pretty unique transfer system.   A member that lived in Arkansas was looking for a trike.  I found one 20 miles away from me, contacted him and I visited the seller.  I rode the trike, took a gazillion pictures and in general quizzed the seller.
In the end, the guy in Arkansas sent me a check in the sellers name, I bought the trike, brought it home and during the interim a fellow rider in Texas had to come to Ohio for something so he brought his trailer and we loaded it on and he delivered it to Arkansas.  That was a single transfer but during my riding years I saw the same type of transfer go thru several people.  ie; point a to b to c to final destination.  It was all done without remuneration, so no harm, no foul - just guys helping each other 
The same thing could work here -  something to think about  -
For what it’s worth, if you can find the flat rate board game boxes, they’ll still ship at the large flat-rate price. The post office just doesn’t provide them any more. But one of the two shipping places near me still has a bunch on the shelf.

If anyone has a need for a DVD of “Hand Cut Dovetails: The Rob Cosman Approach,” I’ve got one I’ll send for the cost of postage.

It’ll go pretty cheap as media mail, I figure.

May you have the day you deserve!

Dick, for a while I was swapping a lot of OLE IRON Woodworking machines. In my auction pursuits at the time they were going nutz with cabinet shops, and such shutting down after the owners retired. I was buying it for just over scrap metal pricing, and most of it ran fine, just could use a little love.

There was an entire network of Old Iron guys across the country, and they did exactly what your biker friends were doing. I never had to hold something for more than a week before arrangements were made to get it to many a distant place. Met many a fine individual doing that. Made a small sum of coin, and had fun helping others out.