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I just wanted to say hello. Idont know how many LJs are over here. Partly because I’ve become very accustomed to all of your icon pictures lol, but I wanted to say hello. I think it’s great to have multiple sites talking about wood working. More exposure is always a good thing. I’ve seen some people already complaining that this is going to be an LJ clone because people will just duplicate their posts on both websites. To those I say who cares. Don’t hate.
I’m happy to be here and just wanted to introduce myself. The name is greg Ferdinand, been in construction from birth and I’m currently in both LJs and home refurbers. All my info Is in my profile. But if I can help with advice in any way. Pm me or post a forum topic and let the advice begin lol. Welcome to www.www.com. Lol

Ferdinand and Son Construction

13 Replies

Oh and by the way that www link is for something very different than woodworking. Haha

Ferdinand and Son Construction

Hey Greg
Glad to see you over here too, I agree if folks want to post both places fine.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Hi Jim. How r u? I figure y not. Exposure is a good thing

Ferdinand and Son Construction

Greg, permit for deck submitted. Will start soon, Pat

If it doesn't spark it doesn't concern me!! Pat

Pat. Glad to hear it. Keep me posted in your progress

Ferdinand and Son Construction

Hey, Greg. Glad to see ya here.

I'm the one with the beard

Hey!!! Gary dekalb!! You need an icon picture. Lol

Ferdinand and Son Construction

Hi Greg. I’m all for checking out any site that encourages folks in woodworking.

-- Chris ** If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. — Tom Paine **

Yeah…I’m trying to dig one up. I want to find one better than what I have on the other. New camera will be here Monday so I may just take a new one

I'm the one with the beard

I’m looking forward to another venue to both help woodworkers and learn from their experience. Let’s keep the comments and topics both professional and insightful.


Hey Chris. How are you buddy. Glad to have another new yawka here. Lol. I’m actuallybsittingbin crazy traffic trying to get home from the city. Sux

Ferdinand and Son Construction

Well I wanted to see how many member we have and it comes to 1115, There are 37 full pages of 30 and 5 on page 38. The projects from members  don't start until page 28. Going through the names I noticed a ton of old Lumberjocks that have come over here-  a lot since they screwed up that site and some have been here for 10 years. It is great to see everyone and keep the project flowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I really like this site because you can put metal working and leather working project here too.
Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day