I know, interesting title, lol.
I’ve posted a couple other forum threads in the past week. Something that has become apparent in several of them- while I am brainstorming several different matters at the moment, the fact that elements of each individual problem tie into one another, seems to lead to confusing tangents or threads getting mixed up. For instance, while discussing drill press fences, the discussion shifted over to how to accurately pull off some horizontal boring on my lathe. But then, in another thread relating to remilling lumber, @SplinterGroup accidentally responded a few times in regards to the lathe subject as opposed to the milling lumber question. Not to say I blame him- frankly, it’s becoming confusing for me, too.
So, I’m wondering if it makes more sense to post some of my ongoing stuff as a blog or project instead or something? Here’s where I’m at, there are really two main categories that the majority of my questions fall under:
1) My speargun build project
2) Renovating and improving my home shop. Most of the improvements and new tool additions being chosen around, you guessed it, helping me build my speargun project.
So, through that lens, all of the forum posts I’ve made over the past week tie back into “making the shop better, mostly for the sake of making it possible to build my dream speargun”. But obviously, going into detail on any of the various questions present within that overarching theme, there are dozens of different individual matters I’d love input on. For instance, to make the speargun led me to buy the lathe, I’ve spoken about needing to make a jig for my lathe, also the fact I am going to build a cart for the lathe to permanently reside on, and how to design that, if uneven floors could be an issue for that, …and I’ve already split it off into multiple related-yet-independent questions.
Going forward, what do you guys recommend I do to keep things clear/distinct (and hopefully maintain engagement on my posts from you all) does it make more sense to keep putting out separate forum topics each time? Or to keep it more singular within a blog series? Would love feedback on what you guys prefer responding to.
At the moment, I’m thinking it would make sense to at least write an opening blog to better lay out my upcoming projects?