Add a Table Top Drill Press?


For some reason I have been looking at adding a table top DP. Keep in mind I have a very nice, but older Craftsman DP that was my second woodworking tool, 30+ years ago. It works well but is in the corner of my shop and sometimes has stuff in the way. ( everything is on wheels so it is not difficult to get to)

I was at a friends shop the other day and he had a General table top DP, it was right there on his bench and was quite nice. Since then I have been kicking it around. Anybody here have both a standing and a table top?….am I wasting money? Let me know what you think.


28 Replies

One example that comes to mind with owning two drill presses is if you do special operations that requires a set up like mortising. You could have one drill press for drilling and boring holes and have the other set up with a mortising attachment to do just mortises.
If you don’t do a lot of special set ups and only use your current drill press to drill and bore holes, the maybe a second table top isn’t necessary. Unless of course, the floor space is more valuable to you than the workbench space, then you can get the table top and part ways with the floor standing. But personally speaking, I used to own a bench top but now own a floor standing and wouldn’t go back

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

To give you some perspective, I started out with a model like this. Mine was a lot older than the one below, but basically the same

And this is my floor standing.

Good luck with your decision !

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

I have a floor model mounted to a base with wheels. Personally I feel that a bench top model would have served me just as well, that way you can mount it on a cabinet with drawers to hold drill bits and other accessories. I think your choice should depend on what you are making. If you have very long pieces that require the length of a floor model then that might be your best choice. That said, I have never used the length capacity of my my floor model. I have seen that many of the well known woodworkers featured in magazine articles tend to have the bench top models.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I personally don’t have a need to have both. If you do a lot of one operation where it would be best to leave the setup alone, than I could see two being beneficial. Personally, I’ll give up my floor standing any day, and take a bench top model. The storage space gained by mounting it to a rolling cabinet is more beneficial in my 160sqft shop than the length capacity I’ve never used.

I have both plus my Dremel with a plunge router attachment. Probably don’t need them but found the 12" Delta that has a variable speed dial that is very handy. My floor model is an older Craftsman that has a long stroke. If I were starting over, would probably go with a 12" bench model. I use the Dremel next to my scroll saw for those times when I have forgotten to drill a hole.

Thank you guys, I used to make a lot of pens. I did a lot of segmenting, mosiac pins, and other unqiue blanks. I used my DP a ton then. I got burned out on pens and haven’t made one for a year or so. I am just using my DP now for the run of the mill type WW.

My current DP is a 35 year craftsman, that does not have a crank to raise/lower the table. I hated it for a long time, and had planned to buy the Powermatic to replace it. Then I came up with a solution of putting a long stroke hydraulic cylinder under the table to raise/lower. I fitted it with an after market laser and a rockler drill table and now I really like it…with the cylinder it so easy to raise and lower, it’s awesome…..but I thought maybe I could get a middle of the road table top and have it there for fixing things (which I seem to be doing a lot of) or simple little projects…I am just not familiar with them and wanted to know peoples opinion. I would put it on my main bench so it was in a prominet postion. I really don’t want a little HF or Ryobi type DP, I want something that is good quality. I saw a nice General for 375.00 and a Jet for about the same.

One of my friends got one of those Porter Cable and really loves it…it looks like you have a nice set up.

I agree that I really don’t know if I have ever used that length. With that cylinder I would have to dismount it to let it down anyway. I do have a roller cabinet tool box dedicated to “drill things”.

David, My shop is a 3 1/2 stall garage so while it is all aon wheels so we can park our vehicle in it, space is not really a consideration when it is set-up. When it is collasped/put up then my current DP is in the corner buried around saws and sander, I thought a table top on the bench might be easier to get to with out moving stuff.

Kepy, Having a little DP like you Delta is exactly what I was thinking!!!! Do you use your other DP much?
Thanks for your thoughts..


Mike, my Delta is my go to drill, however I’m not sure what the status with Delta is. My switch went bad and was no longer available. Mine has an attached light so it wasn’t just an on/off switch. Had an electrician friend that fixed me up with a new switch and it works great. I would definitely go with at least a 12" and really like the knob to adjust speed.

One of my friends got one of those Porter Cable and really loves it…it looks like you have a nice set up.
Thanks Moke. From my perspective going from bench top to floor standing was a good decision. I have mine on a mobile base (pictured below) which has added to the list of likes a floor standing provides for me.
The consensus thus far is bench top if given a choice, although I feel there is no wrong answer. It’s all about what works for your shop space, budget, and intended use.

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

I’m really not looking to choose between one or the other….I’m really looking for one of my WW buddies here to tell me to go buy it!!! I can go up to the little woman and say ……SEE, HE THINKS IT’S A GOOD IDEA!!!!!!! ; ) Just kidding…….well kinda…….I just want to make sure I would use it, and according to Kepy, I think I would……..
Thanks to everybody…this is great site


We use both. The bench top serves as our hinge boring setup and the floor model has general duties. As much as I’d like a dedicated hinge borer, I have a hard time turning loose of $1200-$1500 for a single tasker. My bench top setup was less than $150 and has been a work horse.

Artisan Woodworks of Texas-

I think I misunderstood the original post. This man isn’t trying to debate the benefits of having both, or trying to decide between one or the other. This man needs validation that having two is the right choice.

In that case, in my opinion, having two is absolutely necessary and warranted!

AWESOME!! What a great idea!!!! I WILL take your advice!.

Anybody got an idea of a model/brand?


I have spent a considerable amout of time doing some research. I really like the craftsman not the one that KDC showed but it’s little brother the 10".
Rant—— I am having some issues with purchasing/supporting Craftsman. I am currently trying to have a 10 year old power washer repaired and failing miserably. I paid close to $600.00 for it and they will not service it themselves, and gave me a their recommended small repair company that does not answer their phone and will not return messages. When you call other repair shops as soon as you tell thm it is a craftsman, you may as well have said you have the Ebola Virus and would like to rent a room in their basement. Most can not hang up fast enough. Realizing that Craftsman products are all made by other companies and who knows who makes this model of this Drill Press, do I really want to buy another product marketed by these people? Granted this a 150.00 product and if it is unrepairable in 10 years I would not feel that bad about throwing it away.

I guess I’m just venting and I have answered my own question, but growing up in the 60’s when you needed a refrige, a mower or even a wrench, we just went to Sears first. Having said that, I virturally no Craftsman woodworking tools, but I still have three Sears refridges, humidifer, dehumidifer, and some work out equipment purchased there. It is some what frustrating that they really don’t care about taking care of you, and are really rather obvious about it. Do I really want to give them more business? -—-Rant over

So…keeping in mind that I don’t want a stellar table top DP, as I have a decent Floor model, I think I have settled in on a 10". I like the table/other features on the Central Machine (ok, I know that I was just ranting about Sears and now I am considering a HF) or the craftsman 10". Kepy, I have looked around for a Delta, no one really carries them anymore, and there are none on craigslist or ebay right now…. Any one else have any ideas?
Thanks for reading my rant……


Can’t argue with you about Craftsman. My old bench top similar to the photo I posted above was old, bought new about 25 years ago. I wouldn’t consider a new Craftsman woodworking tool model today due to bad customer service like yours.
Before I bought the Porter Cable (also photos above) I considered this, but only for a moment. I can’t speak of it’s quality, but it may be something for you to consider. Maybe others will post and offer opinions of this DP or others.

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

I have the OPPOSITE problem. I have made my old 8in Craftsman DP work for +21yr, regardless of its shortcomings. Often have to make drill-guides for bigger drilling jobs than the 8in DP can handle.

NOW, thanks to a complimentary subscription to WOOD from WoodworkingWeb, my very second Wood magazine had a “Grizzly 10% OFF Coupon” included! Being a big Grizzly fan, this has put me into a tailspin of a shopping spree! I am ordering new carbide cutters for my jointer, new beading tools for my lathe, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST…
I can’t make up my mind on buying either the Grizzly 17in or the 20in Drill Press.
Either way, I am ordering the Woodpecker DP Table & Fence to go with it.

So help me decide! I use my little 8in all of the time, so I know that I will get good use out of a second “larger” DP, so… …?


Wow HMike….that’s going to be quite a party when the new stuff arrives! The Woodpecker table is very nice, a friend has it…I have the Rockler which is ok, but nothing special. I bought it when I was turning pens and drilling on my DP and it had an attachement for holding pen blanks, which after I saw it I could have made it in 15 minutes. My DP is only 16, so I have never used anything bigger, but I can not say I have ever thought I needed bigger, but I always say, “go big or go home”…….

I got my DP from a relative so I didn’t have much choice at the time, but I have liked it for the most part.

I still have not boughten any table top DP yet, as I had to replace my power washer….so I am still vasilating. I probably will until I buy one.
Let me know what you think about the beading tool…..I have thought about getting one.


Well, I did it. I was at HF for another item and I had a 20% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket so I bought the 10" DP. I have always had a policy that I do not buy anything at HF that has a cord….so I violoated that. This seems like an ok tool…..I certainly wouldn’t want it for my primary DP, but after the sale and the 20% off I only paid 111.00 for it, so what can I expect? I just wanted it to punch holes in small stuff and be readily accessible, it should work well for all that.


Congrats Moke!

As for me, I have been shuffling stuff in and out of my Grizzly “Cart”, over the past two weeks. This has actually been a good therapeutic exercise and has helped me make better decisions, such as nixing the $140 “Keyless” Chuck. Found reviews that said “good” for small bits and “bad” for larger forstner bits.

Also added a sanding drum mandrel and a Shop Fox 1", 1-1/2" and 2" Sanding Drum Set (and several additional sleeves). My shop has always been weak on sanding equipment and these sanding drums will come in handy when cutting and sanding handplane totes.

Looks like my cart is at ~$1400.00 AFTER the 10% OFF coupon is applied. Looks like it is time to pull the trigger on this a get my truck ready (remove camper shell) to pick up the 20in DP at the UPS Terminal. I live on a very steep hill and this is too big for them to deliver. Had to self-deliver my G-690 TS this way a few years back. Not an issue, as I have a 1-ton hoist attached to my shop’s central I-Beam for unloading the pallet in my shop. Also have been moving stuff around to make room for getting my truck in the shop, and making room for a permanent parking spot for the DP.

Sure glad that Grizzly coupon came AFTER I officially started gettin’ my retirement checks…;-)


You congratualte me for a HF DP….when you are buying a DP that could drill holes in the Queen Mary? Good for you!!! Sounds like you have everything in place. Loading..unloading..and resting place for the DP….I am excited for you…now we need photos after it arrives.

What about a “shop photos” section, or should we just put them in the Blog section. I always have liked that feature in the other site. I have literally looked at every shop on there. I have never posted my shop there, but for a dumb reason….as many of you might know, I own a photographic studio during the day and then I am a Cop at night….I have always felt a little shy about photographing the shop as I always felt that people would look at the photos and think that they aren’t good enough. I too, would use a point n shoot for that kind of stuff…mostly because I am too lazy to drag out all my stuff and turn it into a 3 hour commerical shoot. So if no one judges me, I would participate too. Anyone else in? Think it over Martin?


Thanks Moke,
Yeah the 20in DP is big, just as big as my long term yearning for a bigger than 8in DP! Finally have the funds and would hate to come up short on my delayed dreams, if you know what I mean. I actually went to WC and checked out their Powermatic 18in and thought it looked small! I think that cemented the deal. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do…

I too like the idea of a “SHOP PHOTOS” section/THEME. After all, it IS da’ MAN Room, da’ WOMAN room, da’ SHOP, etc… A very proud place to escape to, in other words, regardless of gender it IS the GRAND BALL ROOM.

BTW, all of the accessories stuff ships ASAP, but the 20in DP won’t ship until ~Oct 1st. Kind of a pain, but not too much. Had to call to make sure that the “one time use” 10% OFF applied to the entire order, even IF it were billed and shipped separately. I was assured of the discount on both in a very cordial manner. Still did a couple of screen-shots for the record… ;-)
