Hi. I’m Barry. I’m a Canadian transplant in Houston, TX area. I got bitten by the woodworking bug about 3 years ago and I’ve been trying to improve my skills ever since. I have a small area in my garage that I use for woodworking and I have been slowly adding to my tooling and knowledge. I look for new ideas online and try to push my limits on what I can achieve with the limited supplies. It’s so nice to see the finished products after putting all the time into them.
I’m looking forward to getting new ideas and learning new methods by following along with the people on here.


Welcome to the craft…
My recommendation is to view woodworking, your woodworking, as a journey – one requiring patience and an attention to detail. Revel in small successes, and challenge yourself to achieve larger ones.
Woodworking is a process, not an event. Long before all of the fancy tools were invented, with all of their marketing hype, individuals created fine furniture. So take to heart that skill is more important than hardware – though, hardware certainly does help. Develop a sense of what area of woodworking appeals to you – scroll work, lathe, straight joinery (like a blanket chest or jewelry boxes), sculpted work; and build-out your woodworking space accordingly.
Finally, see the finished projects on this site, and others, as inspiration, rather than something to achieve within 6 months from now. If you find a project that you really like, contact the individual who posted it. My guess is you’ll find someone excited to help you recreate it.

Everyone, Do Take Care.

Hi Barry
Welcome to the great adventure of Woodworking and to WWW Enjoy.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Barry, I live in Clear Lake which is South Houston down by NASA. If you need any help just PM. me. By the way welcome to the site.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Barry, where are you now?

Have you gotten INTO it and having fun?

Have Fun,

Have Fun! ... www.woodworkstuff.net