This is a tough one, hoping somebody out there can help

I have a friend who wants me to build a cabinet for his vintage Fisher X101 receiver. I can't get access to the chassis to do the measurements myself. Furthermore, the cabinet has some features on the front where the measurements need to be exact so the receiver fits correctly into the front of the cabinet and the faceplate rests on a ledge. I'm including a picture of the needed measurements. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I bet someone who hangs out at the Vintage Asylum could get you those measurements.
Also, have you seen this YouTube video? I don't know if he mentions dimensions, or if the X-101-C has different dimensions than the X-100, but maybe the video will be of some use to you.
Ron, I'll check out Vintage Asylum, I really appreciate the input. I have seen the YouTube video. The X-101-C does have different dimensions than the X-100. I've already built an X-100 cabinet, so at least I've got that...I'm currently discussing with my friend tracing the faceplate and chassis. I might be able to pull this off with a tracing...
sigung, I hope the asylum comes through for you.

I guess your friend is a wee bit measurement challenged? My wife is way smarter than me, but she reads out measurements like "18 and a half and three lines" so I always have to double-check myself. Maybe your friend is like that. A tracing sounds like a good plan (or a FaceTime call with you specifying exactly where to measure and reading the measurements yourself).
We did a Face Time, and I thought that combined with what I'd learned in that meeting and the pictures he'd already sent me that I'd be okay, but there were some discrepancies between his pictures and his descriptors in a graphic layout he made. IE Picture showed a measurement of 12.75" but his graphic described it as 13".

Combine that with pictures showing the end measurement but not the anchor ( beginning ) and sometimes he's using a ruler and sometimes he's using a tape measure ( we're all aware of the problem with the slop in the hook of a tape measure ) and then is previous statement to me, which was "I took woodworking shop in high school, but my projects kept getting smaller and smaller as I went along" and you can see why my trust level is not high. When I said I'd do this for him, I fronted the purchase of a huge sheet of walnut veneer, I'm using some of my last remaining Baltic Birch stock for the cabinet, and I'm using a 10 year old piece of Peruvian Walnut for the front bezel, so I've got one shot at this. I'm not taking any chances. 
I wouldn’t take any chances either. Being off by 1/4” either way will yield one big, expensive doorstop.
Looking at the pic with the ruler, maybe that 13” measurement is an absolute and takes into account the screws on the sides? Looking at your pic, it looks like the actual measurement to the end of the screw head is 12 7/8, so if there’s another 1/8” screw head on the opposite side, that’s 13”. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".