Another Lumberjocks transfer

Hey, I finally found y'all! I'm still following LJ, but missed some of the banter from the old LJ, so did some searching.
I'm finding this site a bit difficult to get the hang of, however. It seems like I have to scroll through all of the comments on a thread before I can see if there is anything new. When I "follow" a thread, this does not seem to help with that problem.
1. Is there something I'm just not aware of yet that I need to do?
2. Is there a way to show all comments on a thread, or skip to the end if it's an old thread and I don't want to click through the entire list of responses?
When you follow responses, you then need to exit, go look at something else.  When you come back, even if immediately, only the last 20 responses will be visible.
Welcome to the other side. Glad to have you. I too had your issue, then I found if it's a thread you are interested in, the quickest way to keep up within it, is to make a comment, and when you are about to click there is a while square just below the comment box that is marked as start following replies. If you click that every time you go back to it, you'll be current.

Outside of that I think it's not real easy to stay up to date in a thread, especially a big thread.

Be Well.

If you click following replies, it  should take take you to the newest posts the next time you visit.  It will also trigger the little alert bell at the top so that you know there are new replies.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Thanks all. It appears part of the reason was that my first post had not yet been "approved" so that could explain some of it. I am now taken to near the end of a thread when I click on the "comments" link at the top of a thread I'm following. 

I still have a question about going to the newest comments on an old long thread -- if I'm not already following it, how can I skip to near the end of the thread without 'paging' through and clicking on "show next 20 replies" over and over?  It takes quite a while on some of these topics!

-- if I'm not already following it, how can I skip to near the end of the thread without 'paging' through and clicking on "show next 20 replies" over and over?  It takes quite a while on some of these topics!

Much like "Follwing", follow without reply. Just click on the follow replies at the top right,

then leave and re-enter the thread and you should be  at the last 20 comments (screen refresh may do the trick).

Oh yeah,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


I agree that having an option to jump to the end of a thread would be nice.  I don't want to "follow" all threads and there isn't an option to check in without clicking through all the "next 20" responses.  
Glad you made over are going to like it!!


Thanks LBD, I'll try that...