
6 entries

1 Take-off

I started making wheels for my two cranes and aslo this new blog. Could have published it in the crane blog but preferred a new blog because you ca...

2 Jig

For the wheel grooves I needed a jig. Used my tractor wheel jig and made a little expansion. The pieces A,B and C are from the tractor wheel jig. P...

3 Continuation

In this blog you can see how I made a cove profile on my small router table. Also made the grooves in the wheels on my table saw. Below you can see...

4 Tyre

The wheels were split and again glued together. I love woodworking. First destroy and then reassemble. Below the process Thanks for watching

5 Rims part 1

Today I started making the rims. See pictures below, Next time more. Thanks for watching

6 Rims part 2

Below pictures of making the “circle” parts for the rims. Also pictures from how the nuts are made. Thanks for watching