Wheels #6: Rims part 2


This is part 6 in a 6 part series: Wheels

  1. Take-off
  1. Rims part 1
  2. Rims part 2

Below pictures of making the “circle” parts for the rims. Also pictures from how the nuts are made.

Thanks for watching


Lots of work for a small intricate part but definitely worth the effort.
Very nice work.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Looking really good , your updates make me feel like I’m a part of the project . Waiting for next up date.


Paul I admire you for what you make and how you share it with us, and to get this comment from you makes me happy.

Thanks Bruce. The next one will be soon.


It is so much more difficult to make things on such a small scale and keep all the parts looking so precise. Wonderful work Jan.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Amazing how you can work with those tiny pieces. I can’t imagine making the tiny circle that goes in the middle of the hub. You must have perfect vision!

Losing fingers since 1969

great looking wheels and jigs great reading this story do you have the templates we can buy or download. keep up the great work m8.

Thanks Brian and Tony.

Tony you can by the plans at "T and J ":http://toysandjoys.com/
