Celtic Mandolin

13 entries

1 Layout & Mockup

I’m starting a new instrument project. This one is SN19, Model “Cobh”; A Celtic Style Mandolin. The Celtic style includes a carved soundboard with ...

2 Mockup-Drilling for Depth

Set the quill stop using the gauge. Start with the shallowest holes and work outward from the middle. That way if you get lost (I did). You won’t d...

3 Best laid plans

Before I get out the sharp tools, Thought I’d cut out some profile templates to check the progress as I go. I know…procrastination. Just let’s get ...

4 Started shaping

It’s like one of those cool pictures in a woodworking magazine! [0B5CCDFC-A7B3-4F1E-8714-DC50CFACCC3F.jpeg] The shallowest holes in the middle have...

5 More chips

Before I started another mess, I marked out some strategic lines for checking the shape. Also, I cut off the neck at the 12th fret position. This i...

6 The short hairs

Down to where I can see the bottom of the depth limit holes so I marked each one with a pencil. [17268FC9-78C5-42FF-BA75-F7B66E8F91E2.jpeg] After m...

7 Top surface final shaping

Finally finished the top surface shaping, so it’s time to start on the slope at the neck interface. This is the surface on which the fretboard will...

8 Thought I was done but….

Thought I was done with the top surface, but I checked my references and discovered I forgot something. There’s a narrow recessed area on the outer...

9 Inner Surface

Well, the last exercise on the outer surface was a mistake. I should have left well enough alone. There's way too much material removed by drilling...

10 La Fine

I mapped (hand sketched) out the final contour lines on the top surface, then scraped the inner surface to get to the final thicknesses. The most e...