PAST Tool Collectors

8 entries

1 Ahoy

Welcome aboard! In this series, we’re going to explore the things that I acquire on my visits to meetups for the members-only PAST Tool Collectors ...

2 Screw holding screwdriver

Bet you clicked the title thinking you’ve seen them all. The Upson Bros, Stanley, Craftsman, Bell, … Bet you’ve never seen a pair of screw-holding...

3 Stanley Rule and Level Compass plane

This one blew my mind. So there I was, down in Half Moon Bay on a day trip to the 4 hour meetup of the PAST Tool Collectors association. I had wan...

4 Hand brace countersink drill bits

You’re probably familiar with the time-saving modern invention, the countersink drill bit. They look like this: [IMG_7418.jpeg] I never knew such...

5 Hollow auger

If I understand correctly, this cuts tenons. I still need to get a dowel taper cone cutter which must be used before this tool. You first use a co...

6 Stair saw

It only cost me $5 It’s like my kerfing plane, but simpler. Much simpler. But I love it. [IMG_7242.jpeg][IMG_7243.jpeg][IMG_7244.jpeg][IMG_7245.j...

7 Single-lipped countersink brace bit

Another item from the Half Moon Bay meetup of PAST Tool Collectors. This was free. As I was paying for the countersink bits, I spied it on the tab...

8 Books

I have a large library but it only has a small section on tools. I actually have been wanting a copy of the Garrett Hack book for quite some time. ...