 commented about 4 hours ago
Looking sturdy and practical. Hope this and your other projects makes your shop more enjoyable and inspiring to work in
Ty - Yes, exactly.  Even though the workshop is in a chaotic interim stage, I have a plan and things are coming together.

 commented about 4 hours ago
Ross, have you run the CNC on the new cart yet? I'm interested to see if you have any vibration issues. 
Ryan - I went ahead and ran the CNC this evening to make some cam clamps that will be used for work-holding on my upcoming spoil board.   Getting rid of more scrap wood is awesome!  There was no more vibration on the new cart than what I had on the old stand.

The cam clamps are based on an equiangular spiral where all radial lines cross the spiral curve at the same tangent angle.  I picked an 84 degree angle for some test cam clamps.  They seem to hold pretty well, but I'll need to cut something that's clamped with them to verify.  If they start to come loose, I'll adjust the curve a step closer to 90 degrees.

The pivot is a section of some 5/8" diameter acetal copolymer rod (don't ask me what that is, it's something I bought on Amazon).  It's a tight friction fit in the clamp itself and a merely snug fit in the test hole in the old spoilboard.