Nice shopmade take on these handy gizmos  Duitchy... and a well detailed build sequence.

My only concern was with the "rotary knob".. though yours doesn't look that big... You U'peans and those Yanks, sure get access to a lot of hardware us poor, unfortunate, isolated, neglected (feeling sorry for us yet) Aussies don't get access to.

We can only get those "big bulky" small knobs

and the knurled knobs are rarer than hens teeth

or the brass duck brains... luckily I have a few... brass knobs.

Though I did manage to pick up some low profile knurled knobs

somewhere off the Internet a few years ago...  no idea where.
For size comparison,

 Peter Jones
 commented about 2 hours ago
These pinch sticks look very interesting but what are they used for? I have never seen or heard of them before, ....

By clumsy car thieves.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD