SIDE NOTE: Copper plating is relatively easy.
All you need is:
(1) Copper sulfate for the bath, and which you can buy at big box stores, where it's sold to control septic root problems, or, to be sure you get pure stuff, it's not overly expensive on the Net.
(2) Sulfuric acid for the bath, and which is sold in hardware stores, to clean the really tough plumbing problems (or to change the look of your stainless steel ;) ).
(3) Distilled water for the bath.
(4) Copper, such as scrap wire, which is some of the nicest copper you can get for the job.
(5) A power supply, which only needs to put out a half (1/2) to three (3) volts and about one (1) amp.
(6) An aquarium heater to warm the bath.
(7) An aquarium pump to stir the bath.
(8) Some alligator clips (I like the really heavy-duty ones, cause the gases and such will beat them up).
(9) Some form of ventilation. I use a 4" in-line fan and the flex dryer vent. It works so well, even around the low speeds, you cannot smell the sulfur used for patina work.
(10) Protective items (safety googles, rubber gloves, respirator when fan isn't working).
(11.0) If you are copper plating wood, bone or other projects that are not conductive, or that otherwise would not play with the acid bath (e.g., iron), you'll need:
(11.1) Pure graphite. A quart, sold on-line, goes a long ways.
(11.2) Modge Podge, which will be mixed with the graphite, to apply a conductive coating to the wood.
(11.3) Lacquer, to seal the wood, so the acid bath doesn't attack it, and over which the conductive coat will be painted.