Aussie Larks
That's some lovely work and the write up is thoughtfully done so thank you.
What is it you make Rick that you require so many, or is it a bit like the "a man/woman can never have enough clamps" syndrome? Thanks
Thanks Aussie....It all started by my interest in making mouldings by hand for some of my boxes. I didn't own any moulding planes. So I thought about it and wondered if I had the skills making moulding planes or could develop the skills. I researched and studied it all and tried making a few. I was pleased with the results.
While making a few mouldings I found out that making matching sets allow you to make all kinds of moulding profiles.
It's all a learning process and thus produces more planes. Some I use far more than others. But I enjoy the journey. Nothing like doing it to acquire experience and improvinging skills.