Compact Bluetooth Stereo #2: Details details


This is part 2 in a 5 part series: Compact Bluetooth Stereo

Last night I spent a little time working the outer box, rounding over 4 edges and filling some minor imperfections. This morning when the filler was dry I gave it 2 good coats of high build primer. A quick inspection and i will need to be doing some more filling with a glazing/spot putty but it is headed in the right direction. Tonight means more sanding and priming. As well i need to disassemble the front face to start working it for stain and poly.

If you dont like what you can buy, build it.

looks pretty good already.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

This is a great project. I’m going backward through the blog. ;-)

I paint a lot of the stuff I make and filler is indispensable. I get neurotic about it sometimes, though. It’s not easy to make a surface so flat it’s like a mirror but the flatter you can get it, the better the final finish looks when you go with a high gloss paint or poly. And that’s another reason I stick mainly to semi gloss. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Fortunately I enjoy the painting process too, but I agree there’s so much prep before you get to the finish the colour

If you dont like what you can buy, build it.