Old Sargent Planes #2: A Sargent #5418 ready for Service.


This is part 2 in a 3 part series: Old Sargent Planes

In between getting a bunch of new old planes ready for resale I decided to resurrect this Sargent #5418.

This was one of those impulse buys. It was just a base and frog that had already been refinished. Anything in the #5400 series is fairly scarce, so I snapped it up.

This one has the 2 piece adjuster. I remade the tote from a piece of Honduras Rosewood.

Unfortunately the cutter is not the right vintage. It’s a bit newer than the plane itself.

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Nice work Don. A real beauty.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Ooooh, I think I see a reflection in the corrugated bottom, nice Don.