Rattles and Keepsake Box #1: The Rattles


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: Rattles and Keepsake Box

  1. The Rattles
  2. The Box

This blog adds the construction details for a project posting

The fun thing about this project is that it requires very little materials. This was a first gift for a grandchild.
 There are three blanks cut from bird's eye maple. I ended up cutting the middle one a little thin so I added a veneer of mahogany to each side. The caps have recesses formed by a 1" core box bit in a drill press.

The caps are cut to length.

Next caps are glued to ONE side.

Then I add dried beans to each cavity. I made a note on each blank so I didn't forget! Notice the marks to create the handle. You can see that the recesses in the caps are cut undersized to allow for mismatch (both in glue up and turning).

Then lop off the corners and cut the handle out.

Next up is to put each one on the lathe. Check the location and size of the large diameter - you don't want to cut through. On the other hand, thinner walls allows for better sound.

Here are the final shapes.

The next part is a storage/keepsake box. 
Great job. And thanks for writing up the process! Any finish on those?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thanks Ryan! If I recall correctly, I just used a few coats of mineral oil.
Interesting process on assembly to reach the final shape and appearance. 
Never seen rattles with a presentation case Steve! 

I'd expect flocking or crushed velvet for lining, but the bare wood fits the style 🤠

Great insight into the build of the rattles and box, the tapered sides are a neat idea.
Thanks for the comments! Once I get the project posted I'll add a story about the box.
I just got the project posted. I see that I used salad bowl finish instead of mineral oil. I seem to remember that I wanted a bit of a seal on the wenge...