Making Dowels #2: Drill and push through steel flat bar


This is part 2 in a 8 part series: Making Dowels

Another similar simple method to the one I currently use is to use a 1/8" x 1" piece of flat bar from HD and push drill a hole in it. You then make an angled cut from the top edge as shown.
Then you offset the cutting edge (red arrow) slightly on the input side


It's fast and simple to make. Very portable. Just throw into your toolbox. Easy to make another if it gets damaged and make other sizes as well.


It's a bit tricky and finicky offsetting the front hole cutting edge to get the perfect diameter desired. But once this is achieved it's very effective. 

Do you think it possible to put a burr on the cutting edge,  like a scraper?
Do you think it possible to put a burr on the cutting edge,  like a scraper?

That burr is already there on the backside after drilling. Don't deburr anything. Flip the bar's back to the front and hammer into it. It will cut. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".