Well here goes another 52 weeks in the shop challenge for myself to get in the shop or even shops more often. I did one of these over on that other site back in 2011 and tried once more a few years ago but lost interest. since 2011 a number of things have changed, I now have a Laser (d1Pro) also bought a 3D printer that i need to unbox (Bambu PS1) and my craft fair business has grown some. Speaking of the Craft Fair that would be the best topic for this week. We have been doing craft fairs since 2011 when we started with a 6' table at our local HOA.
Since then we have grown quite a bit and learned some things as well. Like buy the checker pieces in just two colors and don't try painting them yourself.
As you can see in the pic from this weekend we have also expanded our item selection, we technically have close to 100 different types of items we could make and that does not include the variety of fabric my wife uses for her sewn stuff. I have spent most of my shop time the past two weeks finishing up and packing products for the show. We got some requests that we provide bags for the peg games so the pieces stay better intact until they get home. Went with some multi-color organza bags which seemed to work well. Just left a sample on the table along with some bagged ones and people helped themselves and made sales easy. Still need to find a few larger bags for some of my games. Each game took roughly 2 to 4 minutes on the laser to score. Then another 3-5 to drill out all of the holes. I buy the pegs right now but plan to experiment with 3D printed ones.
One of our goals for the business this year is to redesign the booth for a couple of reasons. Those black shelves are heavy and awkward, I also just got a truck with a smaller bed so they do not fit as well. We will be adding new products to both of our sides with the 3D printer available and I would like to put out some more of my games in bags. Any ideas you all have on lighter weight shelf options about 5' tall, I am open for suggestions. Right now leaning toward ones that would sit on the table tops.
Okay this one went off on a bit of a tangent but I was expecting that a little due to the fair. I will talk more about what we do for it in the future I am sure. Also later on some shop reorg, new workspace for my laser and 3D, Turning projects, Poor Man's engraving, Coloring pens my way, Game design and I am sure more. Thanks for tuning in this week and I will post again next Monday.
Portablepastimes.com "Purveyors of Portable Fun and Fidgets"