I really need to catch up around here

Hey All, Still alive and still working in the shop even though I really have not posted much. I have started working with a Laser (Xtool D1 Pro) and really focused on using it to burn my peg games faster than I can ink transfer there and much clearer. Also have been able to make some games that I really have wanted to for a long time and just did not have an easy way to do it. Right now getting ready for our big Spring show(perhaps I'll post another blog on the show itself). along with that I have a large Spring order for the Garden's gift shop, alos putting the Laser to use there. 
I was pushing around challenging myself to another 52 weeks blog in order to get more active here and also encourage myself to get into the shop more. Looking at the other site and finally finding the blog posts I did the the 52 week challenge in 2011 (holy crap that was 16 years ago) if I start a new one next month I would be talking about Laser projects and some building projects as well as craft fair items. Maybe sneak in a little about my 3D printer that still needs to be set up after this next show. Need to build a stand for it so that would be included. 
If any one happens to read this Blog and thinks they may want to read a weekly challenge blog over the next year let me know. I may just do it to challenge myself but it would be good if someone was interested in it :) Either way I think I am going to take some time this weekend to post a few semi-recent projects. 
Catch up to everyone soon. 

Portablepastimes.com "Purveyors of Portable Fun and Fidgets"

Welcome home 😃

Good to have another laser and 3D guy here.

There are a few forums with the most use:
3d printing
laser users (featuring the LBD)

yeah do it ill follow along.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I'll be lurking for sure.  For the first post though, I'd like to see the math proof for 25-11=16 😉
 Hey All, Still alive 

At my age.... alive is good!... !kcab emocleW

I challenge you to make puzzles... only cause everyone else hates them...

Laser is great... I swear at by mine as it has a 6mm cut capacity (9mm if I push it... needs rollers)... though if I didn't have it, I would recommend a Shaper Origin... messy. tad more costly... actually it isn't as much as its acoutrements...  and likes to make missiles without double sided tape, however, that extra depth of cut is drool worthy.

3D printing is in it's own league... I don't do Yoda's, but have done a lot of stuff to supplement my workshop integration. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Kenny, Oops! Math never was my strong suit. 
Thanks all, I am going to work on what it is and probably start with the Craft fair post next week. 


Portablepastimes.com "Purveyors of Portable Fun and Fidgets"