

Can you please tell me why this cracked. The table was made about. 3 or 4 months ago. The was put together with. Tenion and mortise. Made out of solid oak.

kevin's kreations

Is it a glue joint or in the middle of the board?

Did it dry fit snugly or did you force the boards together with a clamp?

Is it sealed on all sides? What finish did you use?

Losing fingers since 1969

you may push glue in crack then clamp good things happend


Ok first of all thank you all for the. Info. Under further inspection. It is not a crack. Just a dark spot in the wood. I’m sorry, I jumped to conclusions. I put a lot of work into this table and that freaked me out lol. Again thank you all for the quick response to my problem. You guys are the best.

kevin's kreations