Ramblings from a South Central Texas Wood Butcher #20: Just Amazing, You Should at Least Check out the Web Site


Over the years I’ve seen some outstanding wood working. Even done a little that surprises me. I’ve seen a lot of fantastic stuff here, too.

Today, though, my wife hollers at me from the office. Want’s me to see something on her computer. When I look, I am amazed at what I see.

It’s an animated, scroll sawed animated wooden hummingbird. It’s unbelievable! The workmanship and the ingenuity. Turns out the maker, Derek Hugger has made several animated scroll sawn projects, and . . . . he sells plans!

You can check his work out, and see them move, at www.derekhugger.com
It’s well worth the look.

My wife feeds hundreds of hummers every year, I’d like to make her one, but I just don’t think I have the patience. Gonna have to think about it.

Until next time, Happy Wooding!!

Keith "Shin" Schindler