Craftisian Blogs

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Between the heat and gastric surgery, I haven’t been doing much in my hot shop. About the only outdoor stuff I’ve been doing is moving cut brush fr...
The Theme for this month is the “Arts & Crafts Style” of woodworking. The era, around the turn of 20th century, was the about-face response to ...
I’m very happy to report that all 10 of my doors, which have all gone through at least one complete heating and cooling season, have not moved at a...
In the process of making a jig, I routed a dado for T-track in recycled plywood. Since my trim router was already set up with a ¾” straight bit, I ...
Hi there I thought I would share my progress on my woodshop. I have been working on the shop and have relocated most of the machines from storage a...
A friend recently gave me a bag with a bundle of goodies inside that needed cleaning up. Among them was this Rapier plane that as you can see is lo...
It was only after watching a youtube video about making a chair by hand that I actually worked out what these are. I had put to them to one side in...
I found this in the shed and claimed it before finding out what it was. It’s a remnant of my granddad’s kit and hasn’t really been looked after. As...
I have been quite busy lately and found it difficult to get out and make anything for a while but I have a collection of old hand tools that need r...
A theme, perfect for the summer is: The Beach! Here are some beach related creations, here at Your turn: Share your tips, strate...
This interview, with Chris Tasa, is from August, 2016. 1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin? I gr...
August 2016 issue is here. Have a good weekend read and let us know what you think. Thanks! In this issue: Editorial WoodworkingWeb Awards: Bookmat...