
A couple of years before my sister asked me to make a new chairback molding.  I had collected the trunk of a dead redbud tree from her yard with th...
As promised here is the start of some more detailed updates… I have been playing around with different finishes and experimenting a bit with differ...
A Little about me Being sort of a retired nerd, I spent my career doing mostly finance related I/T, I have always gravitated towards technical stuf...
My sister asked me if I would be interested in repairing the back of a barstool.  The stool is metal but has (had) a piece of wood molding on the b...
EDIT: I change the name to reflect the actual purpose of the post Let's Make Some Boxes So we all make boxes, right.  There are all kinds.  Fancy...
In this video we visit my good friend Nick Pancheau. Nick has taken one of his side table designs to the next level by adding a textured pattern wi...
  After a few years of research and a bit of shopping I managed to find a used ShopBot Desktop CNC on Ebay. The seller told me it was 4 or 5 years ...