dulcimer in its own case


travel dulcimer in its on case


That’s an interesting design. I’ve never seen one like it. How did you prevent the sound board from buzzing objectionably in the Dado grooves?

the case give the sound no buzzing it has great sound tunes to d d a d


OK, sorry to get off topic here, but I know nothing about this instrument. Why are 3 out of 4 strings tuned the same? Are they different octaves?

Losing fingers since 1969

I’m glad it’s working well for you. I never would have thought to make one that way. Very inventive.
Brian, a dulcimer is a very unique instrument. The top two strings, the melody strings are usually close together and are fingered together as though a single string. The middle and bass strings are usually played as drones sort of like bagpipes, although advanced players will finger them too. The bass string is an octave lower. I don’t know a lot about the music theory involved, but here’s a favorite example of dulcimer music: Watch “Mountain Dulcimer – Whiskey Before Breakfast – St…” on YouTube
Mountain Dulcimer – Whiskey Before Breakfast – St…: http://youtu.be/INu3UQ35yVk

that is one tuning for a dulcimer they are a lot of different tuning for them is just one tuning


Cool. Thanks guys.

Losing fingers since 1969

wonderful.love it.

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