Projects from antique white pine

A while back I scored a whole bunch of white pine from a house in my town built in 1870. It was being remodeled and all of it was going in the dump so I loaded it up. I love working with antique Michigan pine so this was a great score. Some of it dated back hundreds of years counting the growth rings. These are what I built with all of it. The workbench is a hybrid nicholson style. I made the vise with an antique vise screw and beech for the jaw. The top is around 4 inches thick. It works absolutely beautifully! The table and vanity were both built for my wife and she loves them both. Hope you enjoy them! 

Jerry-Holland Mi

Great repurpose for the old timbers, wonderful looking projects. I bet that was some hard wood to mill.

Main Street to the Mountains

It wasn't too bad. Its lovely stuff to plane with hand tools. Chisel and end grain work is less than fun though

Jerry-Holland Mi

All three are great.  The bench looks like it weighs a ton.  Interested in what you used for finish on the bathroom vanity.
The bench does weigh a ton! It has never moved on me while working using it and its a bear to move even when I want too. The vanity and table are both finished in arm r seal. So far they are holding up good. I make sure to wipe any water off the vanity just in case though. Biggest downside is they do dent pretty easily. But thats what happens with pine lol

Jerry-Holland Mi

thats some real nice work dutchman.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.