New Deck Finally Finished ??? Phase Two

Phase two - Hopefully finished with the wife's new goof off area. Before pictures are in my projects page under New Deck. The set-up was pretty much her idea, I just did EVERYTHING else. Took all summer because of the weather and my old body not wanting to work properly when I needed it. I built the planters separate in case they were needed to be moved for some reason. Heaven forbid, they are heavy as all get out. I decided to enclose everything to make it more private and to keep everything from blowing in easier. Connected the planters and bases, then covered everything with Cedar fencing to match what was already finished. Built a bench along one side of the deck to set inside or outside if needed. Wife ( ME ) has already put in a big swing chair thingy for herself. Everything was built with treated, and Cedar toned wood. Used two different types of boundary trim to set everything off and to divide the different types of rock used. The walkway was made out of recycled rubber pavers 16×16 inches and cut to fit. Under all rocks there is a 5/8-inch black solid paver base to keep the dirt and stuff from coming up through the rocks. There are many decorations put up, and many more, I am sure, in the future. We are going to add another small chair, small table and a foot stool for guess who, it won't be me. Instead of having to fill the giant planters and maintaining them I decided to put in some plastic half barrels instead, wanting them to stick up just a little to resemble trim. The fence in back has five solar lights installed. These do give off a nice, subdued glow to set out under without needing any bright lights. We do have brighter lights at the end of the bench if needed and an electric outlet for the radio or whatever.

We have since added a lot of odds/ends and a small fountain waterfall in the deck corner. Grass has also grown in to fill the front bare area.

Switch over project.

cool chill space.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

That looks great! What an improvement!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Very impressive!!


RyanGi - Thank you

Ivan - Thank you
Looks like a lovely space to be outside and relax.  Hope you have had plenty of opportunity to enjoy all your hard work.  
Very Nice project that is stunting, you did a wonderful job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

That is a wonderful place to relax, very nicely done, I really like that swinging chair. A 5 Star project.

Main Street to the Mountains