A family of cribbage players asked me to make these cribbage boards. They are probably trying to keep me busy in my dotage.
I got the plans on line from
www.briansbenham.com He also has a good video of the process. This is a better project for someone with a CNC but after a learning curve it worked out ok. The 1/8 Brad Point Drill bits are flexible enough to move when the grain is hit so I had to put the bits almost completely in the chuck to hold them stiffer (if that makes sense).
To adhere the paper pattern I used a 3M ATG gun with ATG 924 tape with really good results, paper sticks firmly and removes with little residue, much better than double stick tape or spray adhesive and easier to use also. It can be found here https://www.amazon.com/3M-Adhesive-Applicator-Blue-ATG752C/dp/B00IOQDZX6/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1V369QW696K01&keywords=3m+atg+tape+gun&qid=1673973181&sprefix=3M+ATG%2Caps%2C2427&sr=8-9
Walnut and Oak wood.