Mantel clock 2

One of the first mantel clocks I made after I had retired. This one was for my niece, who I later made the Laterndluhr for as wedding present.  The early clocks that I made were all based on classic antique, which got me really interested in making clock cases for the next 10 -1 5 years. This one is based on the classic Arch top style of the early 1800s.

The marine ply and coopered arch top is veneered in mix of walnut and burl walnut with satin wood stringing.  It houses another Hermle movement though this one is governed by a balance wheel rather than a pendulum.

Thanks for looking.
That is a sharp looking clock, the arch top is a nice feature. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Another beauty! It's likely the lighting but the first picture looks like there is a patina from age. Looks great!
Yes but this is either the first or second one I made probably 20 years ago.